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Showing posts with label Chenille Rugs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chenille Rugs. Show all posts

Friday, October 5, 2012

Val av rätt typ av mattor för hem.

  Val av rätt typ av mattor för hem är lite tuff uppgift, men inte svår. Om man väljer klokt kommer rätt typ av mattor förbättra utseendet och känslan i rummet. Nu är den stora frågan är hur man väljer en matta som kompletterar rummet perfekt. I själva verket utsmyckningen av ett hem speglar faktiskt ägare `s egen personlighet. Så man bör vara öppen för att göra experiment och samtidigt välja mattor för ett särskilt rum, inte bara ge ett tecken till rummet, men också sätta stämningen i dess atmosfär.
Det finns få saker som man bör tänka på när du väljer rugs.I vill starta från att välja färgen på mattor. I själva verket färg spelar en viktig plats för att höja stämningen, den bör också blandas med möbler. Dessutom i åtanke syftet, för vilket ett rum kan användas, kommer hjälper att besluta om färg mattor. I fallet om en har en liten rum sedan ljus eller levande färger kan ger känsla av glädje och ger en känsla av speciousness också. Ljus färg mattor kan också vara en rätt val om miljön är varmt som i Mellanöstern eller Västindien etc.

Å andra sidan om rummet är en tillräckligt stor då djupa mörka klangfärger ger mysig och varm känsla. Likaså om miljön i landet är kallt som Europa eller Ryssland då också djupa `n mörk bas färg mattor kan ger varm känsla till rummet. Man kan också få uppfattning om lämplig färg för mattor från möbler, vägg färg eller dekoration.

I `ll föreslå att göra några experimentera med färg, med tanke användning av rummet samt stil rum möbler också.
En annan faktor som man bör ha i åtanke när du väljer mattor är storleken och formen på rugs.Small eller medelstora mattor storlek med olika form kan ge ett rum en trendig känsla. Snarare än en mattor som berör vägg till vägg i det stora rummet skapar varm och formell känsla, eftersom det ger en stuffy ser till rummet också. Man kan också ge en annan karaktär till rummet genom att ha olika storlek och former mattor som faktiskt kommer att matcha skuggan storleken på möblerna förvaras i rummet.
Som vi vet mattor kan vara till hjälp att hålla dammiga och skada hela jordpartiklar ut ur rummet. Så kan Mönster mattor vara en bra idé att ge rummet ett rent utseende som har tung stegljud. Det är inte bara lätt att underhålla denna typ av mattor, men också ger oss frihet att lägga olika mönster för rummet mattor.Så när vi väljer mönstret för mattor bör man ha i åtanke vid där mattor ska placeras och hur mycket kommer att vara användningen av den. Således kunde få idén till mönstret av mattor genom att hålla i minnet anledningen, som kan vara hållbarhet mattor eller lyx ser av rummet.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Selection Of Right Type Of Rugs For Home.

 Selection of right type of rugs for home is a bit tough task but not difficult one. If one chooses prudently, right type of rugs will enhance the look and feel of the room. Now the big question is how to choose a rug which compliments the room perfectly. As a matter of fact the decoration of a home actually reflect owner`s own personality. So one should be open to do experiment while choosing rugs for a particular room, it not only give a character to room but also set the mood of its ambiance.

There are few things one should keep in mind while choosing rugs.I would like to start from selecting the colour of the rugs. As a matter of fact colour plays an important room to set the mood; it should also blend with the furniture. Moreover keeping in mind the purpose, for which a room can be used, will helps to decide about colour of the rugs. In case if one have a small rooms then light or vibrant colour can gives feeling of cheerfulness as well gives a feeling of speciousness too. Light colour rugs could also be a right choice if the environment is hot like Middle East or Caribbean etc.

Other hand if the room is a big enough then deep dark tone colours will give cozy and warm feeling. Likewise if the environment of the country is cold like Europe or Russia then also deep`n dark base colour rugs could gives warm feel to the room. One can also get idea of suitable colour for rugs from furniture, wall colour or decoration.

I`ll suggest to do some experiment with colour, keeping in mind usage of room as well style of room furniture too.

Another factor which one should keep in mind while choosing rugs is size and shape of the rugs.Small or medium size rugs with different shape can give a room a trendy feeling. Rather than a rugs which touches wall to wall in the big room will create warm and formal feeling, as it gives a stuffy looks to the room too. One can also give a different character to the room by having different size and shapes rugs which will actually match the shadow to size of the furniture kept in the room.

As we know rugs can be helpful keeping dusty and harm full soil particles out of room. So, designer pattern rugs can be a good idea to give room a clean look which has heavy footfall. It is not only easy to maintain these type of rugs but also gives us liberty to add variety of patterns for the room rugs.

So, when we are choosing the pattern for rugs one should keep in mind at where the rugs will be placed and how much will be the usage of it. Thus one could get the idea for pattern of rugs by keeping in mind the reason; that could be durability of the rugs or Luxury looks of the room.


Friday, September 21, 2012

Health Benefits of Keeping Rugs or Carpets at Home

As a matter of fact Rugs or Carpets not only help in beauty of the house but also improves interior air quality of room / house. However it there is a misconception that people suffering from asthma or allergies should not keep Rugs or Carpet at home. As a matter of fact now a days Rugs or Carpets are manufactured with materials like polyester, chenille cotton and various other harmless & eco friendly materials.

In case of colder parts world or colder season Rugs or Carpets not only helps in keeping warm air in the room/house, which other world helps in conserving saving precious energy. In every part of the world most households usually face dirt, polluted air due to insect and pets dander to fall on floor of house. In this case keeping Rugs or Carpets can help in improving quality air circulation in house, because usually these bugs and dirt particle got trap / stuck in fibers of Rugs or Carpets.

In today’s world when every household usually have a lot of gadget like home theater, music system, computer, which make home some times very noise place. But keeping Rugs or Carpets can help in creating sound barrier between floors and stops sounds movement between the floors.

There is another advantage of Rugs or Carpets is to provide protection to our foots as cushioning as well safety from slips and falls and minimise injuries especially for small kids and older individual.

Apart from the benefits mentioned above Rugs or Carpets also provides comfortable place to sit, play & work and gives every family a warmer feeling. One can choose from thousands style and types of carpet and rugs, which means your ultimate choice will reflect how you want to personalize your living space.  Carpet can be a neutral foundation, or it can be a focal point with vibrant colors and stronger bolder patterns and textures. Carpet will maintain its life and beauty for many years when properly cleaned and maintained. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Home Textiles Floor Covering

Home Textiles MadeUps for Sweet Home

As the life and lifestyle has changed in today’s modern world. The desire for living in comfort has increased day by day. Globalisation and technology improvement has increased each economy’s efforts and their productivity rapidly, which gives boost to people’s income in last decade.

Now a day each class of society wants to live in better environment with good life style and higher standards of living. Off course after hard efforts every one deserve to get these comfort. As a matter of fact “Home” is the first place on earth, which gets first preference for every human being, when it comes to comfort.

After all there is no place on earth like “Home”, thus everyone would like to decor their home with best of amenities and facilities. Here home textile makeup plays an important role in today’s lifestyle in Europe, America even now in Asia too.

There are different options right from Bathmats, Cotton Durries, Chenille Rugs, Polyester Carpets & Home Textile Made Ups trends which helps us to start decorating our home floor covering but also keep it clean lively.
